Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What is Art? Are Illuminated Manuscripts Art?

What is Art? Are Illuminated Manuscripts Art?

I think yes.

Considering Les Trés Riches Heures du Duc de Berry is of naturalist expression and portrays international gothic styles in its use of decorated capital lettering.... The Book of Kells is of Insular style with strong celtic designs. is illustrative and decorative, using symbolism rather then naturalistic styles..... technically both of these illuminated manuscripts fall within the 'this is indeed art' definition. We can recognise certain movements within the art of these books.

Now in saying that.... can a book be a piece of art? Does it need to be on a canvas? No it doesn't. A sculpture is art. As is an installation piece, an interpretive dance, a theatre production...... where is the line? I believe that art (like beauty) is in the eye of the beholder. There is a traditional structure of course as to what art is, based on light, colour, composition, medium, lines, subject etc.... And in knowing these fundations we can easily identify these within contemporary pieces.

Illuminative Manuscripts show much artistic style and skill and craftsmanship in their making; from the binding practices to the hand painted imagery. To me they are art.

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