Monday, April 11, 2011

Revised Definition of a Book...

My original definition of a book was this: "My book definition.... I guess i'd say it was a bunch of pages bound together. Usually published work, though not always. A source for great entertainment and information - in reading and seeing stories and 'other' come to life." Now, whilst I still agree with this, I find my definition has broadened. It's lines are more blurred. It encompasses more... or has potential to. I'm fairly artistic so my left sided brain is open to interpretation. I am a traditionalist too though... So I agree a book has covers, is something you can put on your shelf at home. But I am excited by the endless possibilities of the swiftlyly moving technology that is evolving our definitions of 'what a book is'... alongside everything else. That a cd or a format on a cd can be book-like.... is valid. It has a foothold in a traditionalists market..... and I like that. My definition would now include: sharable information via: Text, audio, imagery. Or maybe there's less definition. Less limitations on it now :) I"m sure it will continnue to evolve as my thoughts on it do.

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