Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Accordion Book....

I was quite looking forward to the book making segments in this subject. After looking at the text provided for this booklet... I had absolutely NO IDEA how to construct an accordion book :) I googled other methods and was equally lost. I was going to ditch this book as being in the too hard basket......... but persitsed as I liked the idea of the book - just the instructions weren't fanastic. So I ended up finding a youtube link that worked wonders....... here's the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCq7uWASFVQ I'm in the midst of constructing my accordion book..... and so will post the finished results here. Watch this space.......................................... Here are some pictures of the making of my very own accordion book. I'm very impressed with it actually and am going to keep it. .......................... Tada!

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